About the Journal
Global Journal of Economics and Trade (GJET) is an international, open access, and a peer reviewed journal published by GPR Journals to promote knowledge sharing in all aspects of economics and trade. The scope of JPHS include, but not limited to Business Economics, Currency Stability, Econometrics, Economic Development, Economic Growth, Economic History, Economic Models, Economic Systems, Education Economics, Engineering Economics, Financial Economics, Global Economics, Global Markets, Government Debts, International Trade, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Political Economy, Trade Deficits & Surpluses, Wealth Disparity in Trade, Welfare Economics, WTO & its Policies, etc. The key focus of this journal offer an authentic platform where readers, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners can share information on different aspects of economics and trade. Manuscripts submitted to this journal are published online and can be printed as hard copies upon author’s request. Papers can be submitted via email to journals@gprjournals.org or online submission.
Current Issue
ISSN: 2958-406X (Online)
DOI: 10.58425/gjet.
Impact factor: 3.0
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