Impact of Climate Change on the Distribution of Plant and Animal Species in the Alps


  • Mike A. Scotford
  • Nicholas Marshall


Adaptation, climate change, Alpine ecosystem, species, natural resources.


Aim: This study aimed to provide a comprehensive synthesis and analysis of the existing literature on the impact of climate change on the distribution of plant and animal species in the Alpine ecosystem.

Methods: This study employed a desktop literature review approach to investigate and synthesize the existing body of knowledge on impact of climate change on the distribution of plant and animal species in the Alpine ecosystem. The review was conducted using electronic databases, online resources, and digital sources to gather relevant scholarly articles and publications. The search was conducted using a combination of keywords such as [list of keywords or search terms]. After the initial search, duplicates were removed, and the remaining articles underwent a title and abstract screening. Any disagreements during the selection process were resolved through consensus among the researchers. The selected articles were thoroughly read and analyzed to extract relevant information. Efforts were made to cite and acknowledge all sources appropriately to ensure intellectual property rights and academic integrity.

Results: In addition to climate change, human activity degrade alpine biodiversity. Unrestricted hiking, skiing, and vehicle use damage alpine vegetation and soils. Mining also pollutes alpine streams and contaminates plants and animals. In addition to impacts on water resources, the loss of glaciers in alpine watersheds poses risks to other ecological systems and economic activities. Glacial melt leads to changes in hydrology that can disrupt high alpine wetlands and lead to the drying out of sensitive landscapes. Additionally, retreating glaciers often leave behind unstable moraines and sediment that are prone to collapse, threatening infrastructure and tourism activities in adjacent valleys.

Conclusion: Diminishing snow cover has myriad effects on the environment. As snow cover decreases due to climate change, the impacts are felt across ecosystems, wildlife, and human society. 

Recommendations: The study advocates for increased investment in research and monitoring initiatives to better understand the full extent of climate change's impact on Alpine biodiversity. The study also recommends the implementation of adaptive management strategies that are flexible and capable of adjusting to new information and changing conditions.

Author Biographies

Mike A. Scotford

Centre for Geography and Environmental Science, Penryn Campus, University of Exeter, UK.

Nicholas Marshall

Centre for Geography and Environmental Science, Penryn Campus, University of Exeter, UK.


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How to Cite

Scotford, M. A., & Marshall, N. (2023). Impact of Climate Change on the Distribution of Plant and Animal Species in the Alps. Journal of Environmental and Geographical Studies, 2(1), 54–79. Retrieved from