Socioeconomic Ramifications of Sea Level Rise in the Maldives: A Holistic Assessment of Impacts and Adaptation Strategies


  • Mohamed Hussain Ali
  • Mohamed Jaleel


Socioeconomic ramifications, sea level rise, Maldives, impacts, adaptation strategies


Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the socioeconomic impacts of Sea Level Rise in the Maldives and exploring the adaptation strategies.

Methods: Through comprehensive analysis of existing literature, reports and policy documents a thorough understanding of the impacts and potential adaptation strategies related to sea level rise in the Maldives was achieved.

Results: The study revealed that sea level rise in the Maldives poses grave threats to infrastructure, economy, livelihoods, and human health in the Maldives. Vulnerable coastal communities are at increased risk of displacement, loss of income, and compromised access to basic services. However, the study identifies a range of adaptation strategies, including coastal protection measures, sustainable land-use planning, livelihood diversification, and community-based initiatives, to enhance resilience.

Conclusion: The potential for widespread inundation, coastal erosion, and the degradation of ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangroves has severe implications for the Maldivian economy, culture, and way of life. The Maldives heavily relies on tourism and fisheries for economic sustenance, and these sectors are highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of sea level rise.

Recommendations: The Maldivian government should invest in both hard and soft coastal protection measures, such as seawalls, breakwaters, and mangrove restoration projects, to mitigate the impacts of sea level rise on critical infrastructure and valuable ecosystems. In addition, economic diversification is crucial to reducing the Maldives' vulnerability to sea level rise. Promoting alternative industries, such as sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and technology services, can create new sources of income and employment, while reducing dependence on tourism and fisheries.

Author Biographies

Mohamed Hussain Ali

Lecturer, Department of Environment and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering Science & Technology, The Maldives National University.

Mohamed Jaleel

Lecturer, Department of Environment and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering Science & Technology, The Maldives National University.


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How to Cite

Ali, M. H., & Jaleel, M. (2024). Socioeconomic Ramifications of Sea Level Rise in the Maldives: A Holistic Assessment of Impacts and Adaptation Strategies. Journal of Environmental and Geographical Studies, 3(1), 1–16. Retrieved from