About the Journal

Journal of Human Resource Studies (JHRS) is an international, affordable, and a peer reviewed journal published by GPR Journals to advance understanding of emergent HR dynamics.  The scope of JHRS include, but not limited to Employee Diversity, Employee Relations, Employment Law, Fairness & Discrimination, HR Analytics, HRM & Technology, Human Resource Functions, International HR Management, Job Analysis, Job Design, Labor Relations, Performance & Talent Management, Recruitment & Careers, Retirement, Reward Systems, Safety & Health, Selection & Placement, Employee Separation & Retention, Strategic HR Management, Training & Development, Leadership development, Workforce Planning, etc. The main agenda of this journal is to advance multi-disciplinary understanding of emergent HR   issues among readers, researchers and professionals. Manuscripts submitted to this journal are published online and can be printed as hard copies upon author’s request. Papers can be submitted via email to journals@gprjournals.org or online submission.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Vol 3 Issue 1
Published: 2024-09-17


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ISSN: 2958-4213 (Online)

DOI: 10.58425/jhrs.