American Journal of Gender and Development Studies (AJGDS) is an international, low cost, and peer reviewed journal that is published by GPR Journals to address contemporary issues surrounding gender roles, equality and development. The scope of AJGDS include, but not limited to Feminism & Masculinity, Gender & Economy, Gender & Education, Gender & Health, Gender & Politics, Gender & Workplace, Gender Equality & Equity, Gender Theories & Practices, Gender Based Violence, Human Empowerment, Human Potentials, Migration, Sex Trafficking, etc. The main agenda of AJGDS is to accelerate knowledge sharing among readers, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners on gender development initiatives and lessons identified across the world. Manuscripts submitted to this journal are published online and can be printed as hard copies upon author’s request. Papers can be submitted via email to or online submission.

American Journal of Gender and Development Studies (AJGDS)