Journal of Public Health Studies (JPHS) is an open access, fast track, and a peer reviewed journal published by GPR Journals to inspire knowledge sharing in the public health sector. The scope of JPHS include, but not limited to, Behavioral Health, Community Health, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Pediatric Health, Health Economics, Health Education, Health Law & Ethics, Health Technology, Hygiene, Mental & Physical Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health Ideologies & Policies, Public Health Interventions, Public Health Management, Public Health Organizations, Reproductive Health, etc. The key focus of this journal offer a platform where readers, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners can share information on social determinants of health, the environmental, behavioral, and occupational correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices and interventions on the community. Manuscripts submitted to this journal are published online and can be printed as hard copies upon author’s request. Papers can be submitted via email to or online submission.